Most of these commands were determined via many hours with network sniffer as the MIBs do not expose the OIDs used here.
The SNMP commands are performed via a base class that uses Nsoftware's SSNMP library. That class is not included because of licensing.
If you need help or have questions feel free to send me mail.
public bool createVlan(int tag, string name) { // Query to get the next available index for this switch int index = getAvailableIndex(); if (index == -1) return false; // Set value = index type=integer // Set value = Vlan Name Type=String // Set value=vlantag Type=integer SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index, index, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index, name, SNMPBase.datatypes.str)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index, tag, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); return sendSNMP(request); } public bool deleteVlan(int tag) { int index = getVlanIndexID(tag); if (index == -1) return false; return sendSNMP("" + index, 6); } public bool addPortToVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged) { //get the slot and port info for the ifIndex: string slotdata; if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false) return false; if (slotdata.IndexOf(":") == -1) return false; int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf(":"))); int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1)); //Get the Vlan's Index ID int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag); if (vlanIndex == -1) return false; int tagged; if (isTagged) tagged = 1; else tagged = 2; // Create the byte array that will hold the bits for the port we are going to modify in the vlan int maxportsperslot = getMaxPortsperSlot(); if (maxportsperslot == -1) return false; byte[] changearray = GeneratePortByteStream(port, maxportsperslot); // Set . x 00000000000040 (bit mask of ports to add) // set . Type=integer Value =1 or 2 (1=tagged 2=untagged) // Set . Type=integer Value=4 SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), changearray, SNMPBase.datatypes.str)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), tagged, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); return sendSNMP(request); } public bool addFirstPorttoVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged, string vlanName) { //Extreme allows empty vlans so create the vlan then add the ports bool response = false; response = createVlan(tag, vlanName); if (response == false) { return false; } //add the port response = addPortToVlan(tag, ifIndex, isTagged); if (response == false) { return false; } return true; } public bool removePortFromVlan(int tag, int ifIndex) { //get the slot and port info for the ifIndex string slotdata; if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false) return false; int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf(":"))); int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1)); //Get the Vlan's Index ID int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag); if (vlanIndex == -1) return false; //Create the byte array that will hold the bits for the port we are going to modify in the vlan int maxportsperslot = getMaxPortsperSlot(); if (maxportsperslot == -1) return false; byte[] changearray = GeneratePortByteStream(port, maxportsperslot); //Set . x 00000000000040 (bit mask of ports to remove) //set . Type=integer Value =3 //Set . Type=integer Value=4 SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), changearray, SNMPBase.datatypes.str)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), 3, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); return sendSNMP(request); } public bool? isPortInVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool tagged) { string slotdata; if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false) return null; int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1)); int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1)); Byte[] vlanMembers; if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, tagged, out vlanMembers) == false) return null; return isPortMember(port, vlanMembers); } public Raw_VlanMemberCollection GetVlanMembers(int tag) { Raw_VlanMemberCollection data = new Raw_VlanMemberCollection(); //get the number of slots string getData; if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out getData) == false) { data.isErrorState = true; return data; } int slots = -1; if (Int32.TryParse(getData, out slots) == false) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //Failed to get valid data from switch. Try again if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out getData) == false) { data.isErrorState = true; return data; } if (Int32.TryParse(getData, out slots) == false) { throw new TimeoutException("Failed to contact Switch IP " + this.DeviceIP + " via SNMP, the switch might be down or busy. Try again later or contact the admin"); } } if (slots == -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Failed to lookup correct slot information for device at IP" + this.DeviceIP); int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag); if (vlanIndex == -1) { // data.isErrorState = true; return data; } NetworkPortCollection Ports = getPorts(); // we have to process vlan memberships for each slot for (int slot = 1; slot <= slots; slot++) { //Get Tagged vlan members for slot Byte[] vlanMembers; if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, true, out vlanMembers) == false) { data.isErrorState = true; return data; } ArrayList members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers); //Get a list of each port number based on mask foreach (int p in members) { NetworkPort port = Ports.Find(delegate(NetworkPort o) { return o.slotNumber == slot && o.portNumber == p; }); if (port != null) //we found our port lets update the membership { Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember(); member.isTagged = true; member.tag = tag; member.port = port.portNumber; member.slot = port.slotNumber; member.PortifIndex = port.ifIndex; member.VlanifIndex = vlanIndex; data.Add(member); } } //Get un-Tagged vlan members for slot if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, false, out vlanMembers) == false) { data.isErrorState = true; return data; } members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers); //Get a list of each port number based on mask // Ports = getPorts(); foreach (int p in members) { NetworkPort port = Ports.Find(delegate(NetworkPort o) { return o.slotNumber == slot && o.portNumber == p; }); if (port != null) //we found our port lets update the membership { Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember(); member.isTagged = false; member.tag = tag; member.port = port.portNumber; member.slot = port.slotNumber; member.PortifIndex = port.ifIndex; member.VlanifIndex = vlanIndex; data.Add(member); } } } return data; } public VlanCollection getVlans() { VlanCollection Vlans = new VlanCollection(); //Get All the Vlans SNMPDataCollection data = walk(""); if (data.isErrorState == true) { Vlans.isErrorState = true; return Vlans; } foreach (SNMPData obj in data) { string vlanTag = obj.value.ToString(); //each value will be a vlan string oid = obj.oid; int ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(oid.Replace("", string.Empty)); //Will include 4095 which is the Management Vlan Vlan vlan = new Vlan(); vlan.tag = Convert.ToInt32(vlanTag); vlan.ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ifIndex); = getVlanName(vlan.tag); Vlans.Add(vlan); } return Vlans; } public bool setVlanIPAddress(int vlanTag, string ipAddress, string NetworkMask) { int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag); if (vlanIfIndex == -1) return false; //unable to find vlan index if (ipAddress == string.Empty) return clearVlanIPaddress(vlanIfIndex); // doing a cleanup if (NetworkMask == string.Empty) return false; // dont allow a null network mask SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, ipAddress, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress)); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, NetworkMask, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress)); sendSNMP(request); request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, 1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //activate the IP return sendSNMP(request); } public string getVlanIPAddress(int vlanTag) { int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag); if (vlanIfIndex == -1) return string.Empty; //unable to find vlan index string result; getSNMP("" + vlanIfIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress, out result); return result; } public string getVlanNetworkMask(int vlanTag) { int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag); if (vlanIfIndex == -1) return string.Empty; //unable to find vlan index string result; getSNMP("" + vlanIfIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress, out result); return result; } public bool setVLanIPForward(int vlanTag, bool Enabled) { if (getVlanIPAddress(vlanTag) == string.Empty) return false; //no ip Set int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag); if (vlanIfIndex == -1) return false; //unable to find vlan index int value = Enabled == true ? 1 : 2; // 1 = enabled, 2 = disabled SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, value, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); return sendSNMP(request); } public bool? getVlanIPForward(int vlanTag) { if (getVlanIPAddress(vlanTag) == string.Empty) return false; //no ip Set int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag); if (vlanIfIndex == -1) return false; //unable to find vlan index string value; if (getSNMP("" + vlanIfIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out value) == false) return null; if (value == "2") return false; else return true; } private bool clearVlanIPaddress(int ifIndex) { //check to see if a ip is set string state; if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out state) == false) return false; if (state == string.Empty) //no ip set return true; SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection(); request.Add(new SNMPData("" + ifIndex, 6, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //delete the IP Address return sendSNMP(request); } #region "internal methods" /// /// Query switch for member array of a given Vlan, slot and tag /// /// /// /// ///Extreme Vlan member array private bool getVlanMembers(int tag, int slot, bool isTagged, out Byte[] members) { //Get the Vlan's Index ID members = new Byte[0]; int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag); if (vlanIndex == -1) return false; int tagged; if (isTagged) tagged = 1; else tagged = 2; return getSNMP("" + tagged + "." + vlanIndex + "." + slot, out members); } ////// Process Byte Array to determine member ports /// /// ///Returns an array for port numbers for a MemberByteArray private ArrayList GetMemberPorts(Byte[] memberbytes) { //Find out which bit positions are set in a byte. Based off which position and byte we are in we can determine the port number //ie bit 7 in byte 0 = port 1 //ie bit 0 in byte 0 = port 8 ArrayList members = new ArrayList(); int bytecoute = 0; int portNumber = 0; int result = 0; foreach (Byte b in memberbytes) { if (memberbytes[bytecoute] == 0) { bytecoute++; // No ports where active in the Byte } else // if we have port membership in the Byte lets see which ports { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Loop through each bit { result = memberbytes[bytecoute] & PORTMASKARRAY[i]; // Is each bit value (port) in the array? if (result == PORTMASKARRAY[i]) { portNumber = i + 1 + bytecoute * 8; members.Add(portNumber); // Add the portnumber to our returned list } } bytecoute++; } } return members; } private int getVlanIndexID(int tag) { bool triedagain = false; tryagain: ; //walk to get the vlans SNMPDataCollection data = walk(""); if (data.isErrorState == true) return -1; foreach (SNMPData item in data) { if (Convert.ToInt32(item.value) == tag) return Convert.ToInt32(item.oid.Replace("", "")); } if (triedagain == false) { triedagain = true; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); goto tryagain; } return -1; //Could not find the tag } private static bool isPortMember(int portnumber, Byte[] membershipstream) { //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber portnumber %= 1000; Byte[] PORTMASKARRAY = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; return (membershipstream[(portnumber - 1) / 8] & PORTMASKARRAY[(portnumber - 1) % 8]) != 0; } ////// Extreme Byte Stream generation, used for modifing port membership in Vlan /// /// portnumber to add/remove from vlan ///private Byte[] GeneratePortByteStream(int portnumber, int MAXPORTSPERSLOT) { //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber //portnumber %= 1000; Byte[] holdingByte = null; //Create an Array to hold the changing value int bytesNeeded = MAXPORTSPERSLOT / 8 + (MAXPORTSPERSLOT % 8 <= 0 ? 0 : 1); holdingByte = new byte[bytesNeeded]; //Determin which byte we are working with int byteposition = (portnumber - 1) / 8; //Mod to find the bit we are working with int maskindex = (portnumber - 1) % 8; //Set the value in our Holding array for the corisponding bit holdingByte[byteposition] |= PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex]; return holdingByte; } private int getMaxPortsperSlot() { //Get Max ports per Slot string data; if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out data) == false) return -1; return Convert.ToInt32(data); } private int getAvailableIndex() { string data; if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out data) == false) return -1; return Convert.ToInt32(data); } private string ConvertToHex(object bytearray) { byte[] ba = (byte[])bytearray; StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2); foreach (byte b in ba) hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b); return hex.ToString(); } #endregion } }
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