Monday, August 26, 2013

AD attributes to fully Automating OS deployment with WDS (Windows Deployment Services)

Microsoft provides many tools for deploying an Operating System (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012).  Each has their pros and cons.  Some are easy to setup some a little harder.

One thing I found over the years at Microsoft was when setting up a test system that is physical hardware it is best to do a clean install, thus using WDS. 

The info below was used as part of the Automation system I developed while at the Microsoft Enterprise Engineering Center.  By using WDS with the automation system we were able to simply click on a server in the UI and select Image.  This would then kick off the OS Imaging workflow.
Deployment Steps:
  1. Power Server off (via Raritan Switched PDUs and SNMP)
  2. Move Network interfaces for server into correct Vlan (via Network Vlan plugin system)
  3. Set Active Directory Attributes below for WDS
  4. Set KVM interface Name (via Raritan Command Center APIs)
  5. Power Server ON (via Raritan Switches PDUs)
 Advantages of using WDS
  • No image to maintain for each model
  • No images to patch each month
  • System is clean and pure
  • Bases (install) images are easy to setup (just need the .WIM from the CD)
  • Does not require agents to be installed on everything
  • Allows for an easy system audit script to be run at the same time
  • Don't have to worry about a "safe OS" being installed on some drive

I am not going to go into detail on how to setup WDS or add boot or install images.  This is well documented on MSDN.

I don't recommend using Stand-alone mode if you need a system that needs some resiliency.  The AD integrated option works the best!

A few requirements
We will be working with 2 AD attributes


This attribute specifies what PXE client should be used when the computer boots.  You can use wdsutil /Set-Device /Device:<name> /BootProgram:<path> to set this.

3 common values
  • <WDS Server FQDN>\boot\x86\pxeboot.n12 - Tells the PXE client to NOT required F12. If you used the N12 option be sure to run "wdsutil /set-server /resetbootprogram:yes" on the WDS server. If you don't the clients will always be in reboot loop.
  • <WDS Server FQDN>\boot\x86\ - Tells the PXE client to abort any PXE boot attempt on that NIC and move to next device in boot order
  • <WDS Server FQDN>\boot\x86\ - Tells PXE to request the user to push F12.  Will move to next boot device if they don't.


This attribute holds the following items for a ZERO Touch deployment.
  • What boot file (WIM) to use - BootImagePath
  • Path to unattend XML file (provides path to install WIM) - WdsUnattendFilePath
  • If you want the computer joined to the domain - JoinDomain
As MSDN provides (in link above) the info is in Key=value; format.

Example: to use boot image foo, unattend bar and NOT join the domain


 Note the trailing ;.  See for more info.

These items can also be set by running the following WDSUtil commands
  • WDSUTIL /Set-Device /Device:<name> /WDSClientUnattend:<path>
  • WDSUTIL /Set-Device /Device:<name> /BootImagePath:<path>
  • WDSUTIL /Set-Device /Device:<name> /JoinDomain:No

Friday, August 23, 2013

Getting detailed TFS build log ActivityLog.xml information via APIs

The TFS Build Activity logs have lots of useful information.  Unfortunately this information is not real easy to get to.  Using the TFS 2012 APIs we can pull the log info out of the TFS SQL DB without having access to the DB.  This makes it nice because we also don't have to try to parse the activitylog.xml files.

Once you have the information you can start to track and trend how long each TFS build definition takes at each part of the build.  Once you have that piece of data you can start to determine where the best place to optimize to further reduce build times.

The sample code below looks up the LKG build based off the build Definition.  The LKG (Last Known Good) build will be set based on the last build for that build definition that passed/succeeded. It will do a simple output of the activity name and the time it took to complete.  You can take this data along with the buildDetail and create a gantt chart that shows time for each step.

The build may be old (aka not a current LKG) depending on how your system works.  But I found it is the best place to start.  It might be useful for some teams to import all build (success and fail) so you can determine if there is a trend area of where things are failing.

Usings and references
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;

            Uri tfsCollectionURL = new Uri("http://TFSSERVER:8080/tfs/TFSTPC");
            string tfsProjectName = "TFSPROJECTNAME";

            string buildDefName = "BUILDDEFINITIONNAME";
            var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(tfsCollectionURL);

            IBuildServer buildServer = (IBuildServer)tfs.GetService(typeof(IBuildServer));
            var _buildDefinitions = buildServer.QueryBuildDefinitions(tfsProjectName);
            foreach (var buildDefinition in _buildDefinitions)
                if (buildDefinition.LastGoodBuildUri == null)

                var build = buildServer.GetBuild(buildDefinition.LastGoodBuildUri);
                IBuildDetail buildDetail = buildServer.GetAllBuildDetails(build.Uri);

                var activityTrackingNodes = InformationNodeConverters.GetActivityTrackingNodes(buildDetail);

                foreach (var activity in activityTrackingNodes)
                    if (activity.State != "Canceled" && (activity.Node.Children.Nodes.Count() == 0 || (activity.Node.Children.Nodes.Any(x => x.Type == "BuildMessage") && activity.DisplayName != "Sequence")))
                        if (activity.FinishTime.ToString() == "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM")

                        Console.WriteLine(activity.DisplayName + ":" + (activity.FinishTime - activity.StartTime));


Thursday, August 15, 2013

BINDLSVC error 522 from WDS

If you are getting BINDLSVC error 522 errors in the event log when attempting to boot systems into WDS you may have a bad config in AD.

Normally this is because when setting values to the netbootMirrorDataFile attribute on the computer object the ; (semicolon) at the end of line may be missing.

From MSDN:

netbootMirrorDataFile: This attribute is used to store multiple values in the following format:
<key-1>=<value-1>; <key-2>=<value-2>;...; <key-N>=<value-N>;

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Using C# to manage a Brocade TurboIron switch via SNMP

This is to provide an example of a plug-in I wrote for the Green Monster System to manage a Brocade TurboIron switch.

The SNMP commands are performed via a base class that uses Nsoftware's SSNMP library.  That class is not included because of licensing.

If you need help or have questions feel free to send me mail.

public bool createVlan(int tag, string name)
            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, name, datatypes.str)); //Set Vlan Name
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, new Byte[1], datatypes.str)); //Egress Members
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, new Byte[1], datatypes.str)); //Untagged Members
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, 4, datatypes.integer)); //Create and Go

            return sendSNMP(request);
        public bool deleteVlan(int tag)
                return sendSNMP("" + tag, 6);
            catch (Exception)
                //return false;

        public bool addPortToVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged)
                Byte[] currentMembers;
                if (GetQBridgeVlanMembers(tag, isTagged, out currentMembers) == false)
                    return false;

                if (currentMembers.Length == 0)
                    return false; //vlan needs to be created first

                currentMembers = this.GeneratePortByteStream(ifIndex, currentMembers, true);
                //Due to bug in TI code
                //Issue is that QBridge Add port to vlan logic does not check if target port is tagged 
                //So if target port is already member of another vlan as tagged it will fail on all other adds

                //Workaround is to use i 4 to add the port to the vlan after it is added via qbridge to first

                //If we are doing tagged we need to do workaround
                if (isTagged)
                    //check to see if target port is already member of another vlan
                    if (isPortTaggedinAnotherVlan(ifIndex) == true)//add with private OID
                        return sendSNMP("" + tag + "." + ifIndex, 4);

                    //if this did not find and return fall through to qbridge

                return SetQBridgeVlanMembers(currentMembers, tag, isTagged);

            catch (Exception e)
                // return false;
                throw e;
        public bool removePortFromVlan(int tag, int ifIndex)
                return sendSNMP("" + tag + "." + ifIndex, 3);

            catch (Exception e)
                //return false;
                throw e;
 public bool? isPortInVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool tagged)
            Raw_VlanMemberCollection members = GetVlanMembers(tag);
            if (members.isErrorState == true)
                return null;

            if (members.Find(v => v.PortifIndex == ifIndex && v.isTagged == tagged) != null)
                return true;
                return false;


        public VlanCollection getVlans()
            VlanCollection Vlans = new VlanCollection();
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                Vlans.isErrorState = true;
                return Vlans;

            foreach (SNMPData obj in data)
                string vlanTag = obj.value.ToString(); //each value will be a vlan
                string oid = obj.oid;
                int ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(vlanTag); //Foundry uses the Tag as the ifIndex

                //Will include 4095 which is the Management Vlan
                Vlan vlan = new Vlan();
                vlan.tag = Convert.ToInt32(vlanTag);
                vlan.ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ifIndex);
       = getVlanName(vlan.tag);

            return Vlans;

        public Raw_VlanMemberCollection GetVlanMembers(int tag)
            Raw_VlanMemberCollection data = new Raw_VlanMemberCollection();

            //Get untagged port members
            byte[] vlanMembers;
            if (GetQBridgeVlanMembers(tag, false, out vlanMembers) == false)
                data.isErrorState = true;
                return data;

            ArrayList members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers);
            foreach (int p in members)
                Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                member.isTagged = false;
                member.tag = tag;
                member.port = p;
                member.slot = 1; //only supports 1 slot
                member.PortifIndex = p;
                member.VlanifIndex = tag;

            //Get Tagged members

            if (GetQBridgeVlanMembers(tag, true, out vlanMembers) == false)
                data.isErrorState = true;
                return data;
            members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers);
            foreach (int p in members)
                Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                member.isTagged = true;
                member.tag = tag;
                member.port = p;
                member.slot = 1; //only supports 1 slot
                member.PortifIndex = p;
                member.VlanifIndex = tag;

            return data;

        public NetworkPortCollection getPorts()
            NetworkPortCollection Ports = new NetworkPortCollection();
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                Ports.isErrorState = true;
                return Ports;

            foreach (SNMPData obj in data) //Get all our ports
                string value = obj.value.ToString();

                //static devices dont return slot info
                if (value.IndexOf(@"/") == -1) //we are not doing a moduler device
                    value = @"1/" + value; //set default slot to 1

                //Value returned looks like /
                //Lets split it out
                string[] slotport = value.Split(Convert.ToChar(@"/"));
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(obj.oid.ToString().Substring(obj.oid.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1));

                NetworkPort port = new NetworkPort(id, Convert.ToInt32(slotport[0]), Convert.ToInt32(slotport[1]));
       = getPortDescription(port.ifIndex);
                port.adminStatus = getPortAdminStatus(port.ifIndex);
                port.operationStatus = getPortOperationStatus(port.ifIndex);
                if (port.unTaggedVlan == null)
                    port.unTaggedVlan = new VlanMember();
                port.unTaggedVlan.tag = getPortUntaggedVlan(port.ifIndex);


            return Ports;
        public bool addFirstPorttoVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged, string vlanName)
                SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();

                request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, vlanName, SNMPBase.datatypes.str)); //Vlan Name
                request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, new byte[1], SNMPBase.datatypes.str)); //Egress Ports

                if (isTagged)
                    request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, new byte[1], SNMPBase.datatypes.str)); //Untagged ports

                request.Add(new SNMPData("" + tag, 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //CreateAndGo
                bool response = sendSNMP(request);

                return addPortToVlan(tag, ifIndex, isTagged);
            catch (Exception)
                return false;
        private int getPortUntaggedVlan(int ifIndex)
            string data;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex.ToString(), SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out data) == false)
                return -1;
            return Convert.ToInt32(data);
  #region "Private"
        private bool isPortTaggedinAnotherVlan(int ifIndex)
            VlanCollection vlans = getVlans();
            foreach (Vlan vlan in vlans)
                Raw_VlanMemberCollection members = GetVlanMembers(vlan.tag);
                Raw_VlanMember member = members.Find(m => m.PortifIndex == ifIndex && m.isTagged == true);
                if (member != null)
                    return true; //found a member

            return false; //port is not any other vlans

        private static readonly Byte[] PORTMASKARRAY = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };

        private ArrayList GetMemberPorts(Byte[] memberbytes)
            //Find out which bit positions are set in a byte.  Based off which position and byte we are in we can determine the port number
            //ie bit 7 in byte 0 = port 1
            //ie bit 0 in byte 0 = port 8
            ArrayList members = new ArrayList();

            int bytecoute = 0;
            int portNumber = 0;
            int result = 0;

            foreach (Byte b in memberbytes)
                if (memberbytes[bytecoute] == 0)
                    bytecoute++; // No ports where active in the Byte
                else // if we have port membership in the Byte lets see which ports
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Loop through each bit 
                        result = memberbytes[bytecoute] & PORTMASKARRAY[i]; // Is each bit value (port) in the array?
                        if (result == PORTMASKARRAY[i])
                            portNumber = i + 1 + bytecoute * 8;
                            members.Add(portNumber); // Add the portnumber to our returned list
            return members;

        private static bool isPortMember(int portnumber, Byte[] membershipstream)
            //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot
            //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber
            portnumber %= 1000;

            //Byte[] PORTMASKARRAY = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };
            return (membershipstream[(portnumber - 1) / 8] & PORTMASKARRAY[(portnumber - 1) % 8]) != 0;
        private bool GetQBridgeVlanMembers(int tag, bool isTagged, out  Byte[] members)
            members = new Byte[0];
            if (isTagged)

                byte[] allmembers;
                getSNMP("" + tag, out allmembers); //dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts
                //dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts also includes untagged ports.  So we have to remove the untagged ports from the array.
                //What is left will be the tagged only ports
                byte[] untaggedMembers;
                if (GetQBridgeVlanMembers(tag, false, out untaggedMembers) == false)
                    return false;

                byte[] taggedports = new byte[allmembers.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < allmembers.Length; i++)
                    taggedports[i] = Convert.ToByte(allmembers[i] ^ untaggedMembers[i]);

                members = taggedports;
                return true;
                byte[] untaggedMembers;
                if (getSNMP("" + tag, out untaggedMembers) == false) //dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts
                    return false;

                members = untaggedMembers;
                return true;

        private bool SetQBridgeVlanMembers(Byte[] members, int tag, bool isTagged)
            //Allways add Vlan member to Egress port.  By default is tagged.  If you want untagged then also add to untaggedPorts
            bool result = false;

            if (isTagged)
                return sendSNMP("" + tag, members, datatypes.str); //dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts
                //for egreess ports we need to get all current egress ports to append the current port
                Byte[] currentMembers;
                if (GetQBridgeVlanMembers(tag, true, out currentMembers) == false)
                    return false;

                if (currentMembers.Length == 0)
                    return false; //vlan needs to be created first

                result = SetQBridgeVlanMembers(currentMembers, tag, true);
                if (result == false)
                    return false;

                result = sendSNMP("" + tag, members, datatypes.str); //dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts

            return result;
        /// QBridge Byte Stream generation, used for modifing port membership in Vlan
        /// portnumber to add/remove from vlan
        private Byte[] GeneratePortByteStream(int newMemberPort, Byte[] currentMembers, bool addPort)
            //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot
            //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber
            //portnumber %= 1000;
            Byte[] holdingByte = new Byte[currentMembers.Length];
            Array.Copy(currentMembers, holdingByte, currentMembers.Length);

            //Determin which byte we are working with
            int byteposition = (newMemberPort - 1) / 8;

            //Mod to find the bit we are working with 
            int maskindex = (newMemberPort - 1) % 8;

            //Set the value in our Holding array for the corresponding bit
            if (addPort)
                holdingByte[byteposition] |= PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex];
                if ((holdingByte[byteposition] & PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex]) == 0) //check to see if the newMemberport is a member of the currentMembers
                    return holdingByte;

                if (currentMembers[byteposition] == 0)  //dont xor a null value.  If the port is not already a member dont try to remove it.
                    return holdingByte;
                // holdingByte[byteposition] = Convert.ToByte(currentMembers[byteposition] & INVERTED_PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex]);
                holdingByte[byteposition] = Convert.ToByte(currentMembers[byteposition] ^ PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex]);
            return holdingByte;

        private string ConvertToHex(object bytearray)

            byte[] ba = (byte[])bytearray;

            StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
            foreach (byte b in ba)
                hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
            return hex.ToString();

Post 4: Green Monster Network plugin examples

Part of the Green Monster Project is to abstract the hardware for Vlan Management.  To do this I created a “plugin” for each network switch that we use at the EEC.  When action needs to be taken against a network switch.  Green Monster first queries the database (See post 2) to determine the DLL that it should load into the plugin manager.  Once it is loaded I can execute the exposed methods. 

This plugin model is the same process used for Power management and KVM management.  The interaction with the network switch is abstracted from the main code.  It is up to the plugin to know the best ways to execute a given command.  This allows for the plugin to use any available execution methods.  This can include SNMP, Netconf, scripted telnet, SSH, or other web services.  As long as the plugin has the ability to communicate via the protocol desired it should work. 

The majority of the code we use for device interaction is SNMP.  So I thought I would post how we use SNMP to do Vlan management.  Some of this was found by doing packet sniffs and working with the Manufactures engineers.

For SNMP in CSharp I use the SSNMP library.  It is very fast and we had luck with it working well.  The code to make the “raw” snmp call is not included because that requires a license for the nsoftware library.  If you have that license and are interested please let me know and I can share some snip-its.

Extreme Networks (XOS based)
Brocade Networks (Turborion, MLX)


Post 3: Green Monster Plugin system

Part 3 of N.  See Part 2 or Part 1

Green Monster Plugin design

One of Green Monster’s primary goals was to provide a framework to automate tasks against Network Switches, KVM Switches, Rack PDUs, Blade Chassis Management Interfaces, iLO/DRAC.  By abstracting the network design and underling hardware my team members do not need to know how all the network switches interconnect or how to use the CLI/GUI for each manufacture/model.

I created a plugin framework where each model references a DLL file that is to be loaded when action against it is to be taken.  This Plugin Name field (see Green Monster Database design post) exists on the Model level and the asset attribute level.  This allows for a specific (maybe version specific) dll to be used on a single asset or a version agnostic DLL to be used on all common models.

When a device action is being performed Green Monster will run the get plugin sproc that first checks to see if the “asset” as a custom plugin.  If not it looks up the plugin for the model.  This seemed to work well when a single device had a different version of software (say Switch firmware) that broke with the Model default plugin.  It also allowed a way to prototype a plugin without rolling it out to all devices.

The plugin system allowed for 3 “device types” that I could automate.  KVM Switch, Network Switch and Power Distribution unit (PDU).  I created an interface for each that the plugin had to implement to work with Green Monster. 

I will mostly focus on the network devices because they were one of the main goals with Green Monster. 
SNMP was the most used protocol when working with devices.  Though there is nothing in the system that required it to be.  I wrote a power plugin for the HB C-7000 blade chassis OA that utilized scripted telnet.  While it was slow it worked well where the manufactures had lacking APIs/interfaces for automating their devices. 


Post 2: Green Monster DB Info

Part 2 of N.  See part 1 first
Green Monster Database design

The key to Green Monster is the database.  The database holds information about “assets” which are any physical item that should be inventoried or will be used for automation.  For the EEC we inventory Servers, Laptops, desktops, Rack PDUs, KVM Switches, Network Switches, HP OA interfaces, Blade Chassis, SAN storage, PCIe Flash Storage (Fusion IO), Load Balancers (F5, Brocade), Encryption devices (nCypher HSM), Racks, Blades, DAS shelves (MSA 70), and many other things. 

The database has tables for Manufactures, Models, Device Type (Network Switch, KVM switch, other items from above).  An “asset” links to a Model which then links to Device Type and Manufacture. 

99% of Assets will have common attributes (though with different values), for example Serial Number, warranty start Date, Cost.  Some additional values that we find most of our Assets have include parent Asset (for child parent relationship),  status code, Purchase Order number, Asset tag (inventory tracking).

 In addition to these attributes there is a SQL table for additional attributes that are more specific to a device type and not all devices will hold.  Unlike the attributes in the Assets table these attributes allow NULL values.  They include IP Address, SNMP community string, username, password, size in Rack Units, number of disks, interface speed (for SAN devices), CPU ID, plugin name (more about this later) and many more.

CPU ID from above links to a table which tracks information about what CPUs exit in a Server.  This allows us to track usage of CPU features tested and also find systems that meet specific customer requirements for a scenario. 

The Models table which has a direct relationship to the Assets table as the following fields, Model Name, Model Number, Code Name, Size in RU, Weight, Power Voltage, Power Current, and like the attributes table there is a plugin name field (more on this field in the following post).

When the EEC does performance or scale testing on equipment it is important to know the exact specifications of all the systems that were used in the test.  These systems can be all the same model or a mix of model, manufacture, architecture (Intel, AMD).  Over the life cycle of a server we will upgrade the CPUs to faster (maybe pre-release) options, or change the memory speed/quantity.  Even with these changes we need to be track what the exact specs were at any given point in time.  The solution to that issue is an Audit table.  The Audit table is populated from triggers that exist on the Asset, attribute and CPU tables.  It tracks current and previous values anytime a field is changed in one of the monitored tables. 

With these tables and a few others we have a DB design for basic inventory tracking that offers a child/parent relationship, tracks information about specific systems, provides a history of a Servers upgrade/downgrade and will scale very well.

For the automation pieces of Green Monster to work it relies on knowing how each component (Network, Server, NIC, Power Port, KVM) all relate to each other.For Network and Power control each asset has a 1 to many relationship.  This means that a Server can have >1 network port and >1 Power ports. 
Each port has a “parent” of the asset and a neighbor of where it connects to.  If a Server has 2 nics it will have 2 entries in the network ports table.  If a switch has 48 ports it will have 48 entries in the table.  From that a simple mapping from server nic 1 to switch port 1 can be done.  This allows the automation pieces to know how everything relates. 

For network ports the MAC address of the NIC is also tracked.  This is used for assigning IP address during the OS image phase and for the “audit” tool to make sure that a Mac address is showing on the correct Network switch port when dumping the MAC table.  More on those later.


Using C# to manage an Extreme Extremeware based switch via SNMP

This is to provide an example of a plug-in I wrote for the Green Monster System to manage an Extreme Networks ExtremeWare based switch.  This is there older line of switches

Most of these commands were determined via many hours with network sniffer as the MIBs do not expose the OIDs used here.

The SNMP commands are performed via a base class that uses Nsoftware's SSNMP library.  That class is not included because of licensing.

If you need help or have questions feel free to send me mail.

 public bool createVlan(int tag, string name)
            // i 22016 
            // s testvlan 
            // i 1 
            // i 22016 
            // i 4

            //Get new Index

            // i 1 
            // i 124 
            // i 4

            // i 22016 
            // i 22018 
            // i 4

            //Query to get the next available index for this switch
            int index1 = getAvailableIndex();
            if (index1 == -1)
                return false;

            bool results = false;
            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1, index1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1, name, SNMPBase.datatypes.str));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1, 1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //Vlan Type
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1, index1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1, 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //Vlan status
            results = sendSNMP(request);

            if (results == false)
                return false;

            int index2 = getAvailableIndex();
            if (index2 == -1)
                return false;

            request = new SNMPDataCollection();

            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index2, 1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index2, tag, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index2, 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            results = sendSNMP(request);
            if (results == false)
                return false;

            request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1 + "." + index2, index1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1 + "." + index2, index2, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index1 + "." + index2, 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));

            return sendSNMP(request);
        public bool deleteVlan(int tag)
            int untaggedindex = getVlanIndexID(tag, false);
            int taggedindex = getVlanIndexID(tag, true);
            if (untaggedindex == -1 || taggedindex == -1)
                return false;

            bool result = false;

            //remove the untagged to tagged mapping
            result = sendSNMP("" + untaggedindex + "." + taggedindex, 6);
            if (result == false)
                return false;

            result = sendSNMP("" + taggedindex, 6);
            if (result == false)
                return false;

            result = sendSNMP("" + untaggedindex, 6);
            if (result == false)
                return false;
            return true;

        public bool addPortToVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged)

            //get the slot and port info for the ifIndex
            //string slotdata = getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str);
            //int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf("/")));
            //int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf("/") + 1));

            //Get the Vlan's Index ID
            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag, isTagged);
            if (vlanIndex == -1)
                return false;
            //int tagged;
            //if (isTagged)
            //    tagged = 1;
            //    tagged = 2;

            // i 0 
            // i 4
            //undofailed = port already in another vlan
            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("", 0, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + ifIndex, 4));

            return sendSNMP(request);

        public bool addFirstPorttoVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged, string vlanName)
            //Extreme allows empty vlans so create the vlan then add the ports
            bool response = false;
            response = createVlan(tag, vlanName);
            if (response == false)
                return false;

            //add the port
            response = addPortToVlan(tag, ifIndex, isTagged);
            if (response == false)
                return false;

            return true;
        public bool removePortFromVlan(int tag, int ifIndex)

            //Get the Vlan's Index ID
            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag, false);
            if (vlanIndex == -1)
                return false;

            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("", 0, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + ifIndex, 6, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));

            return sendSNMP(request);
 public bool? isPortInVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool tagged)
            string slotdata;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false)
                return null;

            int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf("\\")));
            int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf("\\") + 1));

            Byte[] vlanMembers;
            if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, tagged, out vlanMembers) == false)
                return null;

            return isPortMember(port, vlanMembers);


        public Raw_VlanMemberCollection GetVlanMembers(int tag)
            Raw_VlanMemberCollection data = new Raw_VlanMemberCollection();

            //get the number of slots 
            //int slots = Convert.ToInt32(getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));

            NetworkPortCollection Ports = getPorts(false);
            int slots = GetNumberofSlots(Ports);

            // we have to process vlan memberships for each slot
            for (int slot = 1; slot <= slots; slot++)
                //Get Tagged vlan members for slot
                Byte[] vlanMembers;
                if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, true, out vlanMembers) == false)
                    data.isErrorState = true;
                    return data;

                ArrayList members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers); //Get a list of each port number based on mask

                foreach (int p in members)
                    NetworkPort port = Ports.Find(o => o.slotNumber == slot && o.portNumber == p);
                    if (port != null) //we found our port lets update the membership
                        Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                        member.isTagged = true;
                        member.tag = tag;
                        member.port = port.portNumber;
                        member.slot = port.slotNumber;
                        member.PortifIndex = port.ifIndex;

                //Get un-Tagged vlan members for slot
                if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, false, out vlanMembers) == false)
                    data.isErrorState = true;
                    return data;

                members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers); //Get a list of each port number based on mask
                //Ports = getPorts();

                foreach (int p in members)
                    NetworkPort port = Ports.Find(o => o.slotNumber == slot && o.portNumber == p);
                    if (port != null) //we found our port lets update the membership
                        Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                        member.isTagged = false;
                        member.tag = tag;
                        member.port = port.portNumber;
                        member.slot = port.slotNumber;
                        member.PortifIndex = port.ifIndex;
            return data;
        private int GetNumberofSlots(NetworkPortCollection ports)
            int maxslot = 1; // start off with 1 slot

            foreach (NetworkPort p in ports)
                if (p.slotNumber > maxslot)
                    maxslot = p.slotNumber;
            return maxslot;

        public VlanCollection getVlans()
            VlanCollection Vlans = new VlanCollection();

            //Get All the Vlans
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                Vlans.isErrorState = true;
                return Vlans;
            foreach (SNMPData obj in data)
                string vlanTag = obj.value.ToString(); //each value will be a vlan
                string oid = obj.oid;
                int ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(oid.Replace("", string.Empty));

                //Will include 4095 which is the Management Vlan
                Vlan vlan = new Vlan();
                vlan.tag = Convert.ToInt32(vlanTag);
                vlan.ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ifIndex);
       = getVlanName(vlan.tag);

            return Vlans;

        public NetworkPortCollection getPorts()
            return getPorts(false);

        public NetworkPortCollection getPorts(bool getPortStatus)
            NetworkPortCollection Ports = new NetworkPortCollection();
            //Populate ports 
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                Ports.isErrorState = true;
                return Ports;
            foreach (SNMPData obj in data)
                //the port enumeration also returns VLan ifIndex and Mgmt port IfIndex
                //We can use to see if a connector is present (is it a real port)

                if (obj.value.ToString() == "1") //connector is present
                    int ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(obj.oid.ToString().Substring(obj.oid.ToString().LastIndexOf(".") + 1));
                    int port = ifIndex % 1000;
                    int slot = (ifIndex - port) / 1000;

                    if (slot == 0) // if it was slot 0 set it to slot 1
                        slot = 1;

                    //Get the ports description
                    string description;
                    getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out description);
                    if (description.ToLower() != "mgmt" && description.ToLower() != "management" && description.ToLower() != "management port") //we dont want to add the management ports
                        Ports.Add(new NetworkPort(ifIndex, slot, port));

            //Get Ports information
            foreach (NetworkPort port in Ports)
       = getPortDescription(port.ifIndex);
                if (getPortStatus)
                    port.adminStatus = getPortAdminStatus(port.ifIndex);
                    port.operationStatus = getPortOperationStatus(port.ifIndex);
            return Ports;
        /// Query switch for member array of a given Vlan, slot and tag
        /// Extreme Vlan member array
        private bool getVlanMembers(int tag, int slot, bool isTagged, out Byte[] members)
            members = new Byte[0];
            //Get the Vlan's Index ID
            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag, false);
            if (vlanIndex == -1)
                return true; //Vlan was not found on switch

            int tagged;
            if (isTagged)
                tagged = 1;
                tagged = 2;

            return getSNMP("" + tagged + "." + vlanIndex + "." + slot, out members);

        /// Process Byte Array to determine member ports
        /// Returns an array for port numbers for a MemberByteArray
        private ArrayList GetMemberPorts(Byte[] memberbytes)
            //Find out which bit positions are set in a byte.  Based off which position and byte we are in we can determine the port number
            //ie bit 7 in byte 0 = port 1
            //ie bit 0 in byte 0 = port 8
            ArrayList members = new ArrayList();

            int bytecoute = 0;
            int portNumber = 0;
            int result = 0;

            foreach (Byte b in memberbytes)
                if (memberbytes[bytecoute] == 0)
                    bytecoute++; //No ports where active in the Byte
                else //if we have port membership in the Byte lets see which ports

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)//Loop through each bit 
                        result = memberbytes[bytecoute] & PORTMASKARRAY[i]; //Is each bit value (port) in the array?
                        if (result == PORTMASKARRAY[i])
                            portNumber = i + 1 + bytecoute * 8;
                            members.Add(portNumber); //Add the portnumber to our returned list
            return members;

        private int getVlanIndexID(int tag, bool tagged)
            int untaggedindex = -1;
            int taggedindex = -1;
            //walk to get the vlans
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true) 
                return -1;

            foreach (SNMPData item in data)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(item.value) == tag)
                    untaggedindex = Convert.ToInt32(item.oid.Replace("", ""));

            if (untaggedindex == -1)
                return -1;

            data = walk("" + untaggedindex);
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                return -1;

            foreach (SNMPData item in data)
                taggedindex = Convert.ToInt32(item.value);

            if (tagged)
                return taggedindex;
                return untaggedindex;

        private static bool isPortMember(int portnumber, Byte[] membershipstream)
            //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot
            //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber
            portnumber %= 1000;

            Byte[] PORTMASKARRAY = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };
            return (membershipstream[(portnumber - 1) / 8] & PORTMASKARRAY[(portnumber - 1) % 8]) != 0;

        /// Extreme Byte Stream generation, used for modifing port membership in Vlan
        /// portnumber to add/remove from vlan
        private Byte[] ReneratePortByteStream(int portnumber, int MAXPORTSPERSLOT)
            //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot
            //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber
            //portnumber %= 1000;

            Byte[] holdingByte = null;

            //Create an Array to hold the changing value
            int bytesNeeded = MAXPORTSPERSLOT / 8 + (MAXPORTSPERSLOT % 8 <= 0 ? 0 : 1);
            holdingByte = new byte[bytesNeeded];

            //Determin which byte we are working with
            int byteposition = portnumber / 8;

            //Mod to find the bit we are working with 
            int maskindex = (portnumber - 1) % 8;

            //Set the value in our Holding array for the corisponding bit
            holdingByte[byteposition] |= PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex];

            return holdingByte;

        private int getAvailableIndex()
            string data;
            if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out data) == false)
                return -1;

            return Convert.ToInt32(data);

        private string ConvertToHex(object bytearray)

            byte[] ba = (byte[])bytearray;

            StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
            foreach (byte b in ba)
                hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
            return hex.ToString();

Using C# to manage a HP GBe2c_1_10g switch via SNMP

This is to provide an example of a plug-in I wrote for the Green Monster System to manage a HP GBe2c_1_10g
. This is not the exact same as the HP_GBe2c but it is close.
The SNMP commands are performed via a base class that uses Nsoftware's SSNMP library.  That class is not included because of licensing.

If you need help or have questions feel free to send me mail.

 public bool createVlan(int tag, string name)
            //Switch supports empty vlan
            //Create the vlan with tag and name
            sendSNMP("" + tag, name);

            //Set the vlan as enabled
            sendSNMP("" + tag, 2);
            return SaveConfig();
        public bool deleteVlan(int tag)
            sendSNMP("" + tag, 2);
            return SaveConfig();

        public bool addPortToVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged)
            //if the port is to be tagged to need to set the port to tagged mode
            if (isTagged)
                setPortTagMode(ifIndex, isTagged);
            else //untagged membership
                setPortTagMode(ifIndex, false);
                //Setting an untagged port will auto remove from other vlans and set default/native membership

            sendSNMP("" + tag, ifIndex);
            return SaveConfig();

        public bool removePortFromVlan(int tag, int ifIndex)
            sendSNMP("" + tag, ifIndex);
            return SaveConfig();
        public bool addFirstPorttoVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged, string vlanName)
            //allows empty vlans so create the vlan then add the ports
            bool response = false;
            response = createVlan(tag, vlanName);
            if (response == false)
                return false;

            //add the port
            response = addPortToVlan(tag, ifIndex, isTagged);
            if (response == false)
                return false;
            return true;
   public bool? isPortInVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool tagged)

            Raw_VlanMemberCollection members = GetVlanMembers(tag);
            if (members.isErrorState == true)
                return null;

            Raw_VlanMember member = members.Find(m => m.PortifIndex == ifIndex);
            if (member == null)
                return false;

            //make sure tagging is correct
            if (member.isTagged == tagged)
                return true; //tagging matched
                return false;

        public Raw_VlanMemberCollection GetVlanMembers(int tag)

            //The port list in the VLAN.  The ports are presented in bitmap format.
            //in receiving order:
            //OCTET 1  OCTET 2  .....
            //xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx ..... 
            //|||||_ port 8
            //||||___ port 7
            //|||____ port 6
            //||.    .   .
            //||_________ port 1
            //|__________ reserved
            //where x :1 - The represented port belongs to the VLAN
            //0 - The represented port does not belong to the VLAN

            Raw_VlanMemberCollection data = new Raw_VlanMemberCollection();

            byte[] vlanMembers;
            if (getSNMP("", out vlanMembers) == false)
                data.isErrorState = true;
                return data;
            ArrayList members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers);
            foreach (int p in members)
                Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                bool? isTagged = isPortTagged(p);
                if (isTagged == null)
                    data.isErrorState = true;
                    return data;
                member.isTagged = (bool)isTagged;
                member.tag = tag;
                member.port = p;
                member.slot = 1; //only supports 1 slot
                member.PortifIndex = p;
                member.VlanifIndex = tag;
            return data;
        public VlanCollection getVlans()
            VlanCollection vlans = new VlanCollection();
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                vlans.isErrorState = true;
                return vlans;

            foreach (SNMPData obj in data)
                Vlan vlan = new Vlan();
                int tag = Convert.ToInt32(obj.oid.Replace("", ""));

                string name = obj.value.ToString();
                vlan.tag = tag;
       = name;
                if (tag != 4095) //dont add the MGMT vlan

            return vlans;
        public NetworkPortCollection getPorts()

            NetworkPortCollection Ports = new NetworkPortCollection();
            //Populate ports 
            //Name  agPortCurCfgIndx
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                Ports.isErrorState = true;
                return Ports;

            foreach (SNMPData obj in data)
                //Check to see if the name of the port is XConnect or Mgmt

                int ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(obj.value);
                string interfaceName;
                getSNMP("" + ifIndex, datatypes.str, out interfaceName);
                interfaceName = interfaceName.ToLower();

                //Xconnect ports are interlinks to switch in neighbor bay
                //mgmt is management link
                if (interfaceName.IndexOf("xconnect") == -1 && interfaceName.IndexOf("mgmt") == -1)
                    int slot = 0; //only has 1 slot
                    int port = ifIndex;

                    NetworkPort p = new NetworkPort();
                    p.ifIndex = ifIndex;
                    p.slotNumber = slot;
                    p.portNumber = port;
                    p.interfaceType = string.Empty;
           = interfaceName;
                    //Get the ports description

            return Ports;

        public portStatus getPortAdminStatus(int ifIndex)
            //2 = disabled
            ifIndex = ifIndex + 256;
            string data;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex.ToString(), datatypes.str, out data) == false)
                return portStatus.error;
            return (portStatus)Convert.ToInt32(data) - 1;
        public bool setPortAdminStatus(int ifIndex, portStatus status)
            ifIndex = ifIndex + 256;
            sendSNMP("" + ifIndex.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(status + 1));
            return SaveConfig();

        public portStatus getPortOperationStatus(int ifIndex)
            //1 = link
            //2 = no link
            ifIndex = ifIndex + 256;
            string data;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex.ToString(), datatypes.str, out data) == false)
                return portStatus.error;
            return (portStatus)Convert.ToInt32(data) - 1;

        public bool SaveConfig()
            //apply the change
            sendSNMP("", 2);

            return sendSNMP("", 2);

        public bool RebootDevice()
            return sendSNMP("", 3);
    private bool setPortTagMode(int ifIndex, bool tagged)
            int value = (tagged == true ? 2 : 3);
            sendSNMP("" + ifIndex, value);
            return SaveConfig();

        private bool? isPortTagged(int ifIndex)
            string tagstate;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, datatypes.integer, out tagstate) == false)
                return null;

            if (tagstate == "2")
                return true;
                return false;

        private Byte[] PORTMASKARRAY = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };

        private ArrayList GetMemberPorts(Byte[] memberbytes)
            //Find out which bit positions are set in a byte.  Based off which position and byte we are in we can determine the port number
            //ie bit 7 in byte 0 = port 1
            //ie bit 0 in byte 0 = port 8
            ArrayList members = new ArrayList();

            int bytecoute = 0;
            int portNumber = 0;
            int result = 0;

            foreach (Byte b in memberbytes)
                if (memberbytes[bytecoute] == 0)
                    bytecoute++; // No ports where active in the Byte
                else // if we have port membership in the Byte lets see which ports

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Loop through each bit 
                        result = memberbytes[bytecoute] & PORTMASKARRAY[i]; // Is each bit value (port) in the array?
                        if (result == PORTMASKARRAY[i])
                            portNumber = i + bytecoute * 8;
                            members.Add(portNumber); // Add the portnumber to our returned list
            return members;

        public int getPortifIndexbyMAC(string MACAddress)
            //OID for iFIndex
            string oid = string.Empty;

            //Replace : and . with space
            MACAddress = MACAddress.Replace(":", "").Replace(".", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "");

            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("", true);
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                return -1;

            foreach (SNMPData item in data)
                if (ConvertToHex(item.value).ToLower() == MACAddress.ToLower())
                    oid = item.oid.Replace("", "");
            //make sure we found an OID
            if (oid == string.Empty)
                return -1;

            int i = -1;
            //look up the fdb port number
            string ifIndex;
            if (getSNMP("" + oid, datatypes.integer, out ifIndex) == false)
                return -1;

            if (ifIndex == "-1" || ifIndex == string.Empty)
                return -1;
                //Take the FDB base port number and get the ifIndex for the interface

                if (Int32.TryParse(ifIndex, out i) == false)
                    return -1;
                    return i; //return the index

        private string ConvertToHex(object bytearray)

            byte[] ba = (byte[])bytearray;

            StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
            foreach (byte b in ba)
                hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
            return hex.ToString();

        #region ISwitchMangement Members

        public Raw_FDBEntryCollection GetFDB()
            throw new NotImplementedException();


Using C# to manage an Extreme XOS based switch via SNMP

This is to provide an example of a plug-in I wrote for the Green Monster System to manage an Extreme Networks XOS based switch.  This includes devices like the 350, 450 and BD10k and the like.

Most of these commands were determined via many hours with network sniffer as the MIBs do not expose the OIDs used here.

The SNMP commands are performed via a base class that uses Nsoftware's SSNMP library.  That class is not included because of licensing.

If you need help or have questions feel free to send me mail.

        public bool createVlan(int tag, string name)
            // Query to get the next available index for this switch
            int index = getAvailableIndex();
            if (index == -1)
                return false;

            // Set value = index type=integer
            // Set value = Vlan Name Type=String
            // Set value=vlantag Type=integer
            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index, index, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));

            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index, name, SNMPBase.datatypes.str));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + index, tag, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            return sendSNMP(request);
        public bool deleteVlan(int tag)
            int index = getVlanIndexID(tag);
            if (index == -1)
                return false;

            return sendSNMP("" + index, 6);

        public bool addPortToVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged)

            //get the slot and port info for the ifIndex :
            string slotdata;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false)
                return false;

            if (slotdata.IndexOf(":") == -1)
                return false;

            int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf(":")));
            int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1));

            //Get the Vlan's Index ID
            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag);

            if (vlanIndex == -1)
                return false;

            int tagged;
            if (isTagged)
                tagged = 1;
                tagged = 2;

            // Create the byte array that will hold the bits for the port we are going to modify in the vlan
            int maxportsperslot = getMaxPortsperSlot();
            if (maxportsperslot == -1)
                return false;
            byte[] changearray = GeneratePortByteStream(port, maxportsperslot);

            // Set x 00000000000040 (bit mask of ports to add)
            // set Value =1 or 2 (1=tagged 2=untagged)
            // Set Type=integer Value=4 

            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), changearray, SNMPBase.datatypes.str));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), tagged, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            return sendSNMP(request);

        public bool addFirstPorttoVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool isTagged, string vlanName)
            //Extreme allows empty vlans so create the vlan then add the ports
            bool response = false;
            response = createVlan(tag, vlanName);
            if (response == false)
                return false;

            //add the port
            response = addPortToVlan(tag, ifIndex, isTagged);
            if (response == false)
                return false;
            return true;
        public bool removePortFromVlan(int tag, int ifIndex)
            //get the slot and port info for the ifIndex
            string slotdata;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false)
                return false;

            int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf(":")));
            int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1));

            //Get the Vlan's Index ID
            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag);

            if (vlanIndex == -1)
                return false;

            //Create the byte array that will hold the bits for the port we are going to modify in the vlan
            int maxportsperslot = getMaxPortsperSlot();
            if (maxportsperslot == -1)
                return false;
            byte[] changearray = GeneratePortByteStream(port, maxportsperslot);

            //Set x 00000000000040 (bit mask of ports to remove)
            //set Value =3
            //Set Type=integer Value=4

            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), changearray, SNMPBase.datatypes.str));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), 3, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIndex.ToString() + "." + slot.ToString(), 4, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            return sendSNMP(request);

       public bool? isPortInVlan(int tag, int ifIndex, bool tagged)
            string slotdata;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.str, out slotdata) == false)
                return null;

            int slot = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(0, slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1));
            int port = Convert.ToInt32(slotdata.Substring(slotdata.IndexOf(":") + 1));

            Byte[] vlanMembers;
            if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, tagged, out vlanMembers) == false)
                return null;

            return isPortMember(port, vlanMembers);


        public Raw_VlanMemberCollection GetVlanMembers(int tag)
            Raw_VlanMemberCollection data = new Raw_VlanMemberCollection();

            //get the number of slots 
            string getData;
            if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out getData) == false)
                data.isErrorState = true;
                return data;
            int slots = -1;
            if (Int32.TryParse(getData, out slots) == false)
                //Failed to get valid data from switch.  Try again
                if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out getData) == false)
                    data.isErrorState = true;
                    return data;
                if (Int32.TryParse(getData, out slots) == false)
                    throw new TimeoutException("Failed to contact Switch IP " + this.DeviceIP + " via SNMP, the switch might be down or busy.  Try again later or contact the admin");
            if (slots == -1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Failed to lookup correct slot information for device at IP" + this.DeviceIP);

            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag);
            if (vlanIndex == -1)
               // data.isErrorState = true;
                return data;

            NetworkPortCollection Ports = getPorts();
            // we have to process vlan memberships for each slot
            for (int slot = 1; slot <= slots; slot++)
                //Get Tagged vlan members for slot
                Byte[] vlanMembers;
                if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, true, out vlanMembers) == false)
                    data.isErrorState = true;
                    return data;

                ArrayList members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers); //Get a list of each port number based on mask

                foreach (int p in members)
                    NetworkPort port = Ports.Find(delegate(NetworkPort o) { return o.slotNumber == slot && o.portNumber == p; });
                    if (port != null) //we found our port lets update the membership
                        Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                        member.isTagged = true;
                        member.tag = tag;
                        member.port = port.portNumber;
                        member.slot = port.slotNumber;
                        member.PortifIndex = port.ifIndex;
                        member.VlanifIndex = vlanIndex;

                //Get un-Tagged vlan members for slot
                if (getVlanMembers(tag, slot, false, out vlanMembers) == false)
                    data.isErrorState = true;
                    return data;

                members = GetMemberPorts(vlanMembers); //Get a list of each port number based on mask
                // Ports = getPorts();

                foreach (int p in members)
                    NetworkPort port = Ports.Find(delegate(NetworkPort o) { return o.slotNumber == slot && o.portNumber == p; });
                    if (port != null) //we found our port lets update the membership
                        Raw_VlanMember member = new Raw_VlanMember();
                        member.isTagged = false;
                        member.tag = tag;
                        member.port = port.portNumber;
                        member.slot = port.slotNumber;
                        member.PortifIndex = port.ifIndex;
                        member.VlanifIndex = vlanIndex;
            return data;
        public VlanCollection getVlans()
            VlanCollection Vlans = new VlanCollection();

            //Get All the Vlans
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                Vlans.isErrorState = true;
                return Vlans;
            foreach (SNMPData obj in data)
                string vlanTag = obj.value.ToString(); //each value will be a vlan
                string oid = obj.oid;
                int ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(oid.Replace("", string.Empty));

                //Will include 4095 which is the Management Vlan
                Vlan vlan = new Vlan();
                vlan.tag = Convert.ToInt32(vlanTag);
                vlan.ifIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ifIndex);
       = getVlanName(vlan.tag);

            return Vlans;
      public bool setVlanIPAddress(int vlanTag, string ipAddress, string NetworkMask)
            int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag);
            if (vlanIfIndex == -1)
                return false; //unable to find vlan index

            if (ipAddress == string.Empty)
                return clearVlanIPaddress(vlanIfIndex); // doing a cleanup

            if (NetworkMask == string.Empty)
                return false; // dont allow a null network mask

            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, ipAddress, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress));
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, NetworkMask, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress));

            request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, 1, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //activate the IP
            return sendSNMP(request);


        public string getVlanIPAddress(int vlanTag)
            int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag);
            if (vlanIfIndex == -1)
                return string.Empty; //unable to find vlan index
            string result;
            getSNMP("" + vlanIfIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress, out result);
            return result;
        public string getVlanNetworkMask(int vlanTag)
            int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag);
            if (vlanIfIndex == -1)
                return string.Empty; //unable to find vlan index
            string result;
            getSNMP("" + vlanIfIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.ipAddress, out result);
            return result;
        public bool setVLanIPForward(int vlanTag, bool Enabled)
            if (getVlanIPAddress(vlanTag) == string.Empty)
                return false; //no ip Set

            int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag);
            if (vlanIfIndex == -1)
                return false; //unable to find vlan index

            int value = Enabled == true ? 1 : 2; // 1 = enabled, 2 = disabled

            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + vlanIfIndex, value, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer));
            return sendSNMP(request);
        public bool? getVlanIPForward(int vlanTag)
            if (getVlanIPAddress(vlanTag) == string.Empty)
                return false; //no ip Set
            int vlanIfIndex = getVlanIndexID(vlanTag);
            if (vlanIfIndex == -1)
                return false; //unable to find vlan index

            string value;
            if (getSNMP("" + vlanIfIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out value) == false)
                return null;
            if (value == "2")
                return false;
                return true;


        private bool clearVlanIPaddress(int ifIndex)
            //check to see if a ip is set
            string state;
            if (getSNMP("" + ifIndex, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out state) == false)
                return false;

            if (state == string.Empty) //no ip set
                return true;

            SNMPDataCollection request = new SNMPDataCollection();
            request.Add(new SNMPData("" + ifIndex, 6, SNMPBase.datatypes.integer)); //delete the IP Address
            return sendSNMP(request);
#region "internal methods"

        /// Query switch for member array of a given Vlan, slot and tag
        /// Extreme Vlan member array
        private bool getVlanMembers(int tag, int slot, bool isTagged, out Byte[] members)
            //Get the Vlan's Index ID
            members = new Byte[0];
            int vlanIndex = getVlanIndexID(tag);
            if (vlanIndex == -1)
                return false;

            int tagged;
            if (isTagged)
                tagged = 1;
                tagged = 2;

            return getSNMP("" + tagged + "." + vlanIndex + "." + slot, out members);


        /// Process Byte Array to determine member ports
        /// Returns an array for port numbers for a MemberByteArray
        private ArrayList GetMemberPorts(Byte[] memberbytes)
            //Find out which bit positions are set in a byte.  Based off which position and byte we are in we can determine the port number
            //ie bit 7 in byte 0 = port 1
            //ie bit 0 in byte 0 = port 8
            ArrayList members = new ArrayList();

            int bytecoute = 0;
            int portNumber = 0;
            int result = 0;

            foreach (Byte b in memberbytes)
                if (memberbytes[bytecoute] == 0)
                    bytecoute++; // No ports where active in the Byte
                else // if we have port membership in the Byte lets see which ports

                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) // Loop through each bit 
                        result = memberbytes[bytecoute] & PORTMASKARRAY[i]; // Is each bit value (port) in the array?
                        if (result == PORTMASKARRAY[i])
                            portNumber = i + 1 + bytecoute * 8;
                            members.Add(portNumber); // Add the portnumber to our returned list
            return members;

        private int getVlanIndexID(int tag)
            bool triedagain = false;

        tryagain: ;
            //walk to get the vlans
            SNMPDataCollection data = walk("");
            if (data.isErrorState == true)
                return -1;

            foreach (SNMPData item in data)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(item.value) == tag)
                    return Convert.ToInt32(item.oid.Replace("", ""));
            if (triedagain == false)
                triedagain = true;
                goto tryagain;
            return -1; //Could not find the tag

        private static bool isPortMember(int portnumber, Byte[] membershipstream)
            //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot
            //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber
            portnumber %= 1000;

            Byte[] PORTMASKARRAY = { 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 };
            return (membershipstream[(portnumber - 1) / 8] & PORTMASKARRAY[(portnumber - 1) % 8]) != 0;

        /// Extreme Byte Stream generation, used for modifing port membership in Vlan
        /// portnumber to add/remove from vlan
        private Byte[] GeneratePortByteStream(int portnumber, int MAXPORTSPERSLOT)
            //Determine the port number we are working with for the given slot
            //Mod by 1000 to remove slot number; set remainder to portnumber
            //portnumber %= 1000;

            Byte[] holdingByte = null;

            //Create an Array to hold the changing value
            int bytesNeeded = MAXPORTSPERSLOT / 8 + (MAXPORTSPERSLOT % 8 <= 0 ? 0 : 1);
            holdingByte = new byte[bytesNeeded];

            //Determin which byte we are working with
            int byteposition = (portnumber - 1) / 8;

            //Mod to find the bit we are working with 
            int maskindex = (portnumber - 1) % 8;

            //Set the value in our Holding array for the corisponding bit
            holdingByte[byteposition] |= PORTMASKARRAY[maskindex];

            return holdingByte;

        private int getMaxPortsperSlot()
            //Get Max ports per Slot
            string data;
            if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out data) == false)
                return -1;

            return Convert.ToInt32(data);

        private int getAvailableIndex()
            string data;
            if (getSNMP("", SNMPBase.datatypes.integer, out data) == false)
                return -1;

            return Convert.ToInt32(data);

        private string ConvertToHex(object bytearray)

            byte[] ba = (byte[])bytearray;

            StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(ba.Length * 2);
            foreach (byte b in ba)
                hex.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);
            return hex.ToString();


Post 1: Building a cross platform network switch automation system

Note: I have had this info in a pending publish state for a while and decided to finally post it. 

When I was a team member at the Enterprise Engineer Center ( we use a mix of network equipment (and Power PDUs, KVM, Servers and SAN).  The EEC hosts customer “engagements” to test/validate scale, proof of concept and features.  The facility has 7 customer labs and security is a number 1 priority. The EEC has multiple levels of security to isolate customer environments from each other, our team systems, and the Microsoft corporate network.  Vlans are used extensively as part of the isolation system and as part of testing customer scenarios.  Some test environments may only have 1 Vlan others may have 25.  Vlans are created and deleted as required for the scenarios being tested. As “the networking guy” I was called to action regularly to help resolve connectivity issues with Vlans that spanned multiple switches.  Many times the issues were caused by a single interface missing its Vlan configuration (tagged or untagged).   While the fix for issues was very easy finding which interface was incorrectly configured proved to be very time consuming. 

To increase the complexity the EEC uses a mix of network switch vendors depending on our partnership and features offered by each.  We also have a large variety of server equipment from multiple partners. These servers can be pre-release systems or a single system that fits a custom need.

As the EEC started its major remodel in 2008 we viewed this as a great time to improve our systems and processes.

In 2008 I started work on a project codenamed Green Monster (GM).  The goals of Green Monster were

1. Reduce the manual process required to perform network vlan and Layer 3 changes by creating automation framework
2. Support a diverse list of equipment manufacturers (network, power, kvm, servers)
3. Create a database of equipment inventory to replace excel spreadsheets
4. Create a database of network and power port to server mappings
5. Provide an automated system to power systems on/off
6. Create a near zero touch OS deployment environment for Engagement build out/setup
7. Abstract hardware vendor and network design from users (UI or script interface)

Development of Green Monster was to be done as a side project.  I was the PM, Dev and for the most part the tester.  Many of my teammates helped with feature feedback, DB design ideas and testing. They also provided a large list of features and ideas for future versions.

Green Monster consists of a WCF Service that performs all the automation logic, DB interaction and device integration. The frontend is a C# UI that consumes the WCF service.  OS imaging was done with WDS and some in-house scripts written by a co-worker.

I will be posting information about specific features and provide code snips on how I interact with devices over the network.

10 Years from last post

 Well world!   After the last almost 10 years I have been up to a few things in life and work.  Most recently I was working at Microsoft on ...